Member Benefits
Member Benefits
Advocacy and representation
The OAACA works with government, cultural and arts sectors and other industries to bring about improvements in culture, arts, communication, and other support for the sector, and for tangible benefits for its members.
The OAACA runs and presents a number of events in partnership with other organisations throughout the year.
Involvement in a vibrant community of like-minded people
Network and engage with others from the government, arts and cultural sector
Network and engage with key figures from other sectors
Professional Development
Track continuing professional development of cultures and performing arts with the OAACA
Online promotion
The OAACA provides a number of promotion opportunities for members. Members are:
Acknowledged on the OAACA’s Website
Provided the opportunity to be profiled in the OAACA’s E-Newsletter
Provided the opportunity to run promotion on OAACA’s social media
Event & News
A discount rate or free access to the cultural events run by the OAACA throughout the year
Receive the monthly OAACA e-news which contains topical information, events and news relevant to your work.
Voting Rights
individual members have the voting rights at the OAACA’s Annual Meeting and Special General Meeting