Become A Member
We encourage anyone who approves our mission to join in Oz-Sino Association for Advancement of Culture and Arts (OAACA).
To Become a Member
Read the Terms and conditions of membership.
Identify 2 members of the OAACA to nominate and second your application (or ask OAACA to help you do this).
Fill out the Application for Membership below and submit
The applicant will receive a confirmation via email from the OAACA and then process membership fee payment.
Membership Fee*
Membership fee: AUD $100/year (compulsory)
Contribution Guide
Councillors: AUD $1,000/year
Presidents: AUD $10,000/year
* Please note:
Membership year runs from 1 July to 30 June;
Membership fees need a lump sum payment for a five-year term;
Membership fees are GST inclusive;
Membership fees are non-refundable;
membership fees are determined by the Association and subject to change at any general meeting of the association.
Method of Payment:
Please transfer your membership fees into the bank account:
Name of Account: Oz-Sino Association for Advancement
Name of Bank: Westpac Banking
Branch: 671-675 George St Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
BSB: 032 029
A/C: 300636
Reference: Your full name
After payment, please email your remittance to info@oaaca.org.au